Jeol 2010f manual
JEOL-2010F Handbook for EMAL Users Version 5.0 EMAL JEOL-2010F User Handbook 10/22/07 Page 1 Notes 1. The JEOL 2010F STEM/TEM is an analytical electron JEOL JEM 2010 TRAINING TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE USER MANUAL Version 5.1 EM Facility CMSE-SEF Massachusetts Institution of Technology TABLE OFJEOL 2010F operating procedure. Covers operation in TEM mode Appendix A: shorthand alignment/imaging instructions. 1. Locate region of interest. can be found in the JEOL Operating Manual provided by JEOL. This work is under constant revision and all users are encouraged to contribute any material. User manual | 1 JEOL 2010F operating procedure Covers operation in STEM · 1. Prior to entering STEM mode 1.1. In regular TEM imaging mode, find a region of JEOL 2010F MANUAL. Quick check list. 1. Check the accelerating voltage, must be at 200 kV (right screen), HT (µA) (left panel) at. Selects auto or manual exposure settings for film camera. 20. PHOTO. Causes image to be recorded on film. 21. PANIC. No function. 22. FLC. Free
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